Natural Mosquito Repellents: What to Plant in Your Garden

When the warm weather arrives, we all look forward to spending time outdoors. However, one pesky problem that often accompanies the summer season is mosquitoes. These tiny insects not only cause itchy bites but can also transmit diseases.

While there are various mosquito repellents available on the market, many of them contain harmful chemicals. Fortunately, nature provides us with alternatives in the form of natural mosquito repellents that are effective and safer for our health. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using natural repellents and provide a comprehensive guide on what plants to include in your garden to keep those mosquitoes at bay.

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Why Choose Natural Repellents?

Harmful Effects of Chemical Repellents

Conventional mosquito repellents often contain chemicals such as DEET, which can have adverse effects on our health. Prolonged exposure to DEET has been linked to skin irritations, respiratory issues, and even neurological problems. These chemicals can also harm the environment when they are washed off our bodies and enter water sources, posing a threat to aquatic life.

Benefits of Natural Repellents

Natural mosquito repellents offer a safer alternative without compromising on effectiveness. They are made from plant-based ingredients that have been used for centuries to repel insects. Not only are they safer for our health and the environment, but they also add beauty and fragrance to our gardens. Let’s explore some of the plants that can naturally repel mosquitoes.

Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

Citronella Grass

Citronella grass is a popular natural mosquito repellent. It contains citronella oil, which has strong insect-repelling properties. The aroma of citronella grass masks the scents that attract mosquitoes, keeping them at bay. Plant citronella grass in pots or in the ground, and place them in areas where you spend the most time outdoors.


Lavender not only adds a touch of beauty and serenity to your garden but also acts as a natural mosquito repellent. Its fragrance is pleasant to humans but repels mosquitoes. Plant lavender in sunny areas with well-drained soil and enjoy its lovely scent while keeping mosquitoes away.


Peppermint is another plant that mosquitoes find repulsive. The strong scent of peppermint masks the carbon dioxide and lactic acid we emit, which attract mosquitoes. Crush some peppermint leaves and rub them on your skin to enhance the repellent effect. Alternatively, you can plant peppermint in your garden to create a natural barrier against mosquitoes.


Marigolds are not only beautiful flowers but also effective mosquito repellents. Their distinct smell repels mosquitoes, and they can be planted in pots or in flower beds. Consider placing marigolds near entrances and seating areas to provide an extra layer of protection against mosquitoes.


Basil is not only a versatile herb in the kitchen but also a natural mosquito repellent. The strong fragrance of basil keeps mosquitoes away, and you can plant it in pots or in the ground. Additionally, basil can be used as a culinary herb, making it a practical choice for your garden.

Planting and Maintaining a Mosquito-Repellent Garden

Creating a mosquito-repellent garden requires some planning and maintenance. Here are some essential tips to get you started:

Choosing the Right Location

Select a location in your garden that receives ample sunlight and has good air circulation. Mosquitoes are less active in sunny areas, and a breeze can help disperse their scent-attracting chemicals.

Soil Preparation

Prepare the soil by removing weeds and improving drainage. Incorporate organic matter such as compost to enrich the soil and provide nutrients for the plants.

Planting Techniques

When planting mosquito-repellent plants, ensure proper spacing to allow for air circulation. Follow the planting instructions for each specific plant to optimize growth and maximize their mosquito-repellent properties.

Watering and Maintenance

Regularly water your mosquito-repellent garden to keep the plants healthy. Avoid overwatering, as stagnant water can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Remove any standing water sources in your garden to eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites.

Other Natural Mosquito Repellent Methods

Aside from planting mosquito-repellent plants, there are other natural methods you can use to keep mosquitoes away:

Essential Oils

Certain essential oils, such as lemon eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil, have mosquito-repellent properties. Dilute the oils with a carrier oil and apply them to your skin or create a homemade spray for added protection.

Homemade Sprays

You can make your own mosquito repellent spray using ingredients like vinegar, witch hazel, and essential oils. Mix these ingredients in a spray bottle and apply it to your skin or clothing before heading outdoors.

Mosquito-Repellent Candles

Mosquito-repellent candles are a convenient way to keep mosquitoes at bay during outdoor gatherings. Look for candles made with natural ingredients such as citronella or lemongrass oil.


Don’t let pesky mosquitoes ruin your outdoor experience. By incorporating natural mosquito repellents into your garden, you can create a safe and pleasant environment while keeping these unwanted guests away. Choose from a variety of plants such as citronella grass, lavender, peppermint, marigolds, and basil to naturally repel mosquitoes. Additionally, consider using essential oils, homemade sprays, or mosquito-repellent candles for added protection. With these natural solutions, you can enjoy the great outdoors without the annoyance of mosquito bites.


Are natural mosquito repellents as effective as chemical ones?

Natural mosquito repellents can be as effective as chemical ones, especially when used correctly. While they may not offer the same long-lasting protection, they provide a safer alternative without the harmful effects of chemicals.

Can I plant mosquito-repellent plants indoors?

Some mosquito-repellent plants, like basil and lavender, can be grown indoors as long as they receive sufficient sunlight. Place them near windows or use grow lights to provide the necessary light.

How often should I water my mosquito-repellent garden?

Water your mosquito-repellent garden regularly, aiming for a balance between moist and well-drained soil. Avoid overwatering to prevent water stagnation, which can attract mosquitoes.

Can essential oils be used directly on the skin?

Essential oils should be diluted with a carrier oil before applying to the skin. Undiluted essential oils may cause skin irritation or sensitivity. Perform a patch test before applying to a larger area.

Where can I get natural mosquito repellents?

Natural mosquito repellents, such as plants and essential oils, can be found at garden centers, health stores, or online retailers specializing in natural products.

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